There is a lot of solutions and uses for electronical signature and online contract solutions out there.

This blog is to help you navigate without reading to many reviews and guides about every tools out there, therefor I will inform a bit about the subject and tips about a good tool worth checking out!

All online entrepreneurs don´t have the time to test everything out there, so this is a short and nice article for you to save some time. Let check out som basic questions about esigning.

What are really your need is here in a complete list of FAQ that you should be aware of:

e-contract builder og electronical signature solutions?
Most businesses only need a simple online PFD contract system, just start with what you need.

Do you need to integrate with your CRM or ERP system?
Maybe save the bucks for now and upgrade later to a different system if the need is there.

Is it important for a API service with the software application?
Will you use the feature or not. If not, there are no needs to pay for it either.

Is it just for you and a few founders or teams, likes sales?
Are the contracts simple, you should go for a simple solution. Not pay for collaboration features.

These factors are often the most important key points to think about.

To start off with, I think if you are looking for something simple, smart and effective I have a suggestion for the right tool for you! Then you should try Great for founders!

If not and you have a mid-size ecompany with multiple teams, your needs are a lot different. Therefor you might need to pay for a lot of functionality that are great and integrations with a lot of different CRM, ERP and other Cloud Solutions. This could be important if you have a company with 10+ member or employees. With other words then the cost is worth it, but remember that you have pay for what you only might use. Companies like Pipedrive, DocuSign or Contractbook and other solutions are also great.

I would really recommend software mainly for their simpleness, fast sending and easy on the wallet pricing. No need to to pay extra for any integrations, because there is none. Backup can simply be done with saving all the exported contracts in you e-mail inbox. I use it all the time, and always save everything myself.

Simple, cheap and effective.

Have been testing a lot of different systems out there, but the last one must be the easies and smartest solutions that deserve to be highlighted. I work mainly in consulting and sales with clients, and this online applications does the works! No advance stuff and pop-ups or advanced dynamic signing fields.

Sales is all about fast and accurate work. Keeping the energy up and make effective decisions!

And then the money will simply roll inn by itself.

So to sum up, what are your business need regarding e-contracting?

Start eSigning today!

Start with a free account without any creditcard and start sending documents for electronic signing.

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